Our beginning began, swing dancing, if you can believe it. She laughed with (she might say ‘at’) me, and it was over. We are a trio now. Everyday is an adventure. We aren’t fans of the wedding industry, ripe with surcharges and repetitive cheese, but we are drawn to the crazy beautiful beginning of a family surrounded by people who care in a tremendous manner. No other place can you find a coming together of warmth and family, which incubates celebration evolving into dancing one’s face off to salt n peppa with reckless abandon; shoes optional.
Hi. I’m Heather. I love owls. I love huge rings. More importantly, I love huge owl rings. Over 62% of what I own has something to do with Elvis. Time travel is not a myth, I’m almost finished with the formula. I love things, old. Cars, movies, fashion…but not food, that’s unsanitary. I love to dance; avid swing dancer, and professional Just Dance 2 ‘er. Whitney Houston is everything. I love waffles with honey, rollercoasters, and school supplies.
I mix records
I make the cello look tough (not really)
I despise repetition
I dislike cheese (not the food)
I craft wood
I love to ride a bike
I pwn newbs
I love the in-between
I microwave only in times ending in 3
I have far too many hobbies
I love sushi, film and Tony Danza